Passion will only take you so far
Got this by mail, it made so much sense I decided to blog it. ................................................... Do you have one? So you have a good voice; nice. You have a good sense of humor, you are articulate and you have been watching television and listening to radio all your life. You are abreast with the latest trends and current affairs, and also have a very vast music knowledge base. With all this you think you are ready for a job on radio or television? Well maybe; but only as an intern or an assistant. Electronic media is not as easy as it appears, and unfortunately for you, there is no static and standard kit set to undertake a career in radio or television. Many people will tell you that before you venture into radio or television, you should have the passion for it. They are correct; but that is not the whole story. Passion will get you in the door (as long as the earlier mentioned tools are also at your disposal); passion will keep you focused on the job, even wh...