Showing posts from September, 2015
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ANGER What is Anger? Anger:- A strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure or hostility. A wide range of intensity from mild irritation to frustration and rage. Anyone can be angry, that's easy. To be angry with the right person to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose and in the right way is not easy. Although those words sound as though they might have been written by a modern day psychotherapist, they weren't. They were, in fact written by 'ARISTOTLE' more than two thousand years ago. The antiquity of the phrase, however, does not diminish its powerful truth. Anger is the most difficult emotion for any of us to manage. It tends to take over our lives, push us around and leads us to say and do things that under normal circumstances we probably would find repugnant, even unthinkable. Anger has a special power in marriage / courtship / relationship and friendship. Its impact is largely negative and often destructive. Having observed...
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Once an unhappy young man came to an old master and told he had a very sad life and asked for a solution. The old Master instructed the unhappy young man to put a handful of salt in a glass of water and then to drink it. “How does it taste?” – The Master asked. “Terrible.” – spat the apprentice. The Master chuckled and then asked the young man to take another handful of salt and put it in the lake. The two walked in silence to the nearby lake and when the apprentice swirled his handful of salt into the lake. The old man said, “Now drink from the lake.” As the water dripped down the young man’s chin, the Master asked, “How does it taste?” “Good!” – remarked the apprentice. “Do you taste the salt?” – asked the Master. “No.” – said the young man. The Master sat beside this troubled young man, took his hands, and said, “The pain of life is pure salt; no more, no less. The amount of pain in life remains the same, exactly the same. But the amo...
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One day a professor entered the classroom and asked his students to prepare for a surprise test. They waited anxiously at their desks for the test to begin. The professor handed out the question paper, with the text facing down as usual. Once he handed them all out, he asked his students to turn the page and begin. To everyone’s surprise, there were no questions….just a black dot in the center of the page. The professor seeing the expression on everyone’s face, told them the following: “I want you to write what you see there.”
THE PREGNANT DEER (The Reward of focus)
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In a forest, a pregnant deer is about to give birth. She finds a remote grass field near a strong-flowing river. This seems a safe place. Suddenly labour pains begin. At the same moment, dark clouds gather around above & lightning starts a forest fire. She looks to her left & sees a hunter with his bow extended pointing at her. To her right, she spots a hungry lion approaching her. What can the pregnant deer do?