When asked to analyze the stagnate state of his country Nigeria,
the wise and old celebrated man decided to tell a story.

The Nigerian leader came back home summoned the senate
president immediately, he asked him the same exact question with high
expectations “your father and mother had
a child” she asked, “it’s not your brother and it’s not your sister, who is the
person?” the senate president thought a while, then told the Nigerian leader
that the matter was too delicate to take likely and would need time to carry
out proper investigations, the Nigerian leader gave him two weeks. The senate
president immediately called an emergency meeting of the house and threw the
matter open, the house deliberated for hours and then decided that a committee
be set up.
The committee sat and came up with a working budget to aid
their research, they needed to travel to the senate president’s village and
since the roads were bad and security poor. They arranged for new cars and
conveys with lodging allowances, travel allowances, feeding etc., billions were
approved. Hours to their deadline, the committee met again with no conclusive
report. The senate president than decided to call on his good friend Jerry Rowling’s
of Ghana, he asked him the exact same question, “your father and mother had a child” she asked, “it’s not your brother
and it’s not your sister, who is the person?” Jerry answered, “It’s me u
dumb Nigerian” the senate president immediately took his convoy to the Nigerian
leader’s rock, ran up to his room and breathing very fast with only seconds to
the deadline, he said to the Nigerian leader. “Your Excellency, I have the
answer, it’s Jerry Rowling’s of Ghana.
The Nigerian Leader look at him really disappointed with his response
and said “no no, no, my friend, it’s Tony Blair of England………..

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