Have you read the part 1 OF ANGER IN RELATIONSHIPS. Click to read it now.
.....Anger of course, can
be a perfectly normal and acceptable emotion. spouses can and should be
angry at each other when there are legitimate reasons. However, a little
bit of anger goes a long way in a marriage and most couples don't have a
good sense for balance in this regard.
The tendencies are to over
season rather than under season the relationship with anger's special
spice to the point that the relationship becomes unpalatable and lacks
nourishment. Expressing constructive anger is an act, an act that most
couples have to learn. It is a marriage counselor's dream to teach
couples to process anger effectively, to put each issue of anger to rest
once and for all, and to free their relationship of the corroding
effects of unresolved anger.
Developing such skills is possible.
Developing such skills is possible.
Here is Laraba and Musa's story - "our marriage was
troubled for many years, but Musa and I couldn't seem to put our finger
on the problem. All we knew was that
we were living as married singles:
two married persons sharing the same house but basically living the life
of single persons. We had almost nothing in common. He did his thing
and I did mine and we intersected less and less. I was smart enough to
see a counselor who helped me discover that the underlying problem in
our marriage was a lot of unresolved anger that went back to the early
days of the relationship." I was angry because I got married
young. I was pregnant and never had a chance to use my gift by
developing a career. Musa was angry because he felt trapped in a dead
end job and a dead end marriage. Now because of my anger, I never
affirmed or supported him. My anger fed his and his fed mine; we were
making each other miserable almost all the time.Did their marriage end? Laraba smiles "thank the Lord, it didn't but it easily could have. When we finally started to work on our relationship, we were teetering right on the edge. One more thing probably would have pushed us over ". How was this marriage salvage? Musa went to counseling with me. He recognized and acknowledges his anger as well as our mutual anger, and together we started to do something about it. We had only four sessions with the marriage counselor: all the other work was done outside her office on our own.
The work consisted of
a lot of dialogue between us, plenty of good food-fashioned talking to
get our feelings out without annihilating each other. We really
communicated, maybe for the first time in our marriage. The counseling
was extremely helpful,the therapist suggested a technique that would
help us facilitate better communication. Three times a week, we would sit
down together a half-hour or more. I would talk for ten minutes, Musa
will listen and then repeat back to me what he had heard me say, none
critically and without judging the content. Then I did the same thing
with him. It was simple, yet it did the trick, it got us back in touch
with each other without over reacting.
Laraba pauses reflectively, and
then continues: I have to be honest and say today our marriage is by
means perfect. We still get angry and argue but this get less and less.
Whenever we argue we resolve things much quicker. We know that we really
want to stay married to each other, so that means we have to invest time
and energy in our relationship to keep it healthy. With all my heart, I
believe there is a hopeful future for our marriage and I feel so good
to be able to say that and mean it. Although there is a legitimate place
for anger in a marital relationship, the anger must be successfully
managed or it will eventually come to manager the couple. If you are not
the master of your anger, you will sooner or later become it's slave.
Anger is a major manifestation of psychological pain features
prominently in virtually all close relationship. It is often
intense, repetitive and violently expressed.
Furthermore, it can be
combined with high defensiveness in which you are unwilling to examine
your behavior. All of you carry psychological pain into your
relationships from hurtful events in your upbringing. Additionally, you
are subject to current stresses outside them. Thus, from both past and
current sources you import the potential for anger. Then you have the
further stresses of each other's negative behaviors.
The destructive
consequences of anger scarcely require stating. Anger can be
directed at each other, at other people, or at yourself (anger our, anger in). When
directed towards, its two main negative forms are hostility and
withdrawal. These behavior can lead to alienation and distress in
relationships to the point of total breakdown.
Anger can also have
positive consequences. Possessing anger feelings does not in itself
destroy relationships, but handling them poorly may do so. Anger can be a
signal for yourself and your partner that something is wrong and
requires attention. This should be a cue to examine your behavior and
not just that of your partner. It can be an energizer leading to
assertive request for behavior change and to confronting festering
Anger can be a purge so that afterwards you may calm down and be more
rational. In a loving relationship partners can work out rules that
allow their anger to be used for constructive purposes such as the above
rather than to tear each other apart.
THINKING AND ACTION SKILL -: Since anger can be the mortal
enemy of love, it is important to develop the skills for both regulating
and expressing it....................................
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