"The great trouble with many of us is that we do not believe enough in ourselves."
Again I want to emphasis on the value and strength of our believes,
especially in oneself. We under estimate our own capabilities even
before making effort, an important fact we need to know is that 90% of
the world's great inventors and names were able to achieve their dreams
simply because of the strength and level of their believe. The truth is:
If you don't believe enough in yourself, you can't really get others to believe in you.
Self-belief is vital for success, take a minute to look back at all the
things you left undone because you lacked belief in yourself. ( But I
am sure you attributed it to something else)
When at a point of taking a great and life-changing action (decisions) self-doubts creep-in but instead of asking yourself the degrading question "can I really do this?" quickly think yes and ask yourself a more motivating question "How can I do this?"
This sends our brain to work on how and not on if.
Like Barracks Obama said and made history as the first black president of the USA; and like I say to myself now "Yes! I can"
What are you saying to yourself now?
#git9ja.com #AdrianPastol
"Nothing and nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent" ~Eleanor Roosevelt.
When at a point of taking a great and life-changing action (decisions) self-doubts creep-in but instead of asking yourself the degrading question "can I really do this?" quickly think yes and ask yourself a more motivating question "How can I do this?"
This sends our brain to work on how and not on if.
Like Barracks Obama said and made history as the first black president of the USA; and like I say to myself now "Yes! I can"
What are you saying to yourself now?
#git9ja.com #AdrianPastol
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