So much love this write-up::::::::
Biology says that after sexual intercourse, about 200-300 million sperms are deposited by the man, and they all begin to swim upwards within the tract to meet with the ovum.
Of the over 200 million that are deposited, only 300-500 actually reach the site (others die off and quit on the way because it is no small race Lol)
And of the 300 that manage to reach the egg only one fertilises the egg, and in this case the winning one was YOU...
Have you ever thought about this?
You ran a race without your eyes and you won. You ran without a certificate and you won.
You ran without a thump print and you won.
You ran without an education and you won.
You ran without help...and you won.
So why do you think you will lose now?
Now that you have eyes and legs, now that you have a brain, now that you have a plan, a dream and a vision...
You didn't give up on day one, you can't give up now, giving up now is an insult to your creator.
It doesn't matter what you are going through now, always remember that YOU WON from the womb.
Get Inspired Today.
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