YEAR: 2106/DAY: 319
POWER OF SELF-CONFIDENCE"What one great thing would you dare to dream, if you knew you could not fail?"~Brain Tracy.
I have come across many life changing questions but this is one that stands out with the power to boost our inner strength. One great factor that often holds us back in life is FEAR (That small voice inside us that screams the question: What if I don't succeed?)
Fear can sometimes be good as it help us develop caution but it becomes a deadly sickness when it kills our self-confidence, when it makes us hold back. This is when we must face it, so many dreams have died out simply because we fail to dare owing to fear.
So today, I challenge you to take that bold step and answer the question: WHAT ONE GREAT THING WOULD YOU DARE TO DREAM, IF YOU KNEW YOU WOULD NOT FAIL?
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