YEAR: 2106/DAY: 321
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
~Eleanor Roosevelt
This is on of my biggest sermons "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Once I had to talk to a young girl about her anger issues and how she can manage it, Now according to her- She have never seen me angry, and this was true.
But the truth is I do sometimes get angry only it has to be totally worth it, and one way that is determined is by determining how much the person responsible for my anger is worth to me. I DON'T GIVE THE POWER TO CHANGE MY MOOD TO JUST ANYONE.
Here Roosevelt makes the same connection in relation to inferiority complex and how only you can allow others make you feel that way, YOU SHOULDN'T GIVE THAT POWER TO JUST ANYONE. I agree with this quote 100% Except you allow others ride your self-confidence, they can't. I guess the question is - DO YOU AGREE WITH THE QUOTE? If yes, then take back that power from anyone you have given it to and rebuild your self-confidence.
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