She gave her car key to the youngest child in the car while she went to buy some stuff in the mall. Upon her return, the boy had misplaced the key and the whole family was stranded on the road. Observing her discomfort with innocent kids without a masculine shepherd, I joined the search party. For each passing minute without the key, she landed the boy that had the key with a slap or a concentrated curse! After few minutes, she strayed in frustration into a motorbike's way and was knocked down. It was in the process of helping her up and picking the pieces of her belongings that the car key was found. She had already lost herself before the key was found! Many people lose themselves in search of what is missing in their lives. Many lose their moral limb while searching for the "missing rib"! Some lose their health while searching for material wealth. I know those who lost their message while searching for relevance and sponsors. Some lose their marr...