I'm not sure when men decided that 30 was the new 15. When men thought it was better to remain independent than making a commitment to another. When men were courageous in business and battle but afraid to be fathers.
I'm not sure when video games and "guy night" became more important than tee-ball and date night. When 4-year-long relationships weren't long enough for a proposal. When staying out became cooler than showing up. I'm not sure when men became boys.
Our culture has a boy problem. In Italy, they call it Peter Pan Syndrome. I call it immaturity and selfishness. Men so focused on their dreams, their visions, and their desires they find themselves wealthy, known, and alone.
The adult world doesn't need more boys. We need Godly men who will grow up, know up, and show up. Who will fight for romance, commit quickly, and stay indefinitely. To turn their hearts toward children and work to raise them well. To be friends who grow friends. Not just by compliments, but through accountability and conviction. We need more men.
We need more men of integrity and character. Those who will hold a moral code and not compromise it. Those who love women, treat them as they would their own daughters and lead them when everything doesn't make sense. We need more men.
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