
Showing posts from November, 2015

The Last Words of Steve jobs.

I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is an epitome of success. However, aside from work, I have little joy. In the end, wealth is only a fact of life that I am accustomed to. At this moment, lying on the sick bed and recalling my whole life, I realize that all the recognition and wealth that I took so much pride in, have paled and become meaningless in the face of impending death.


👉1. Don't educate your children to be rich. Educate them to be Happy so when they grow up, they will know the value of things and not the price. 👉2. Best awarded words in London ... "Eat your food as your medicines. Otherwise, you have to eat medicines as your food" 👉3. The One who loves you will never leave you because


THE MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION: Ask yourself... How can I do what I do for more and more people with less work, but for a better price? Today's thought focuses on a life changing question, what I call "the million dollar question" It is one that drives you into great thought on your way to greatness. Firstly, you have to figure out what it is exactly you do or love to do (this should be the easy part) but it is very essential that you are definite and decisive, then next is finding answer to the million dollar question that starts with"HOW" This may take years to answer but it may also only take days, the important thing is finding the answer as it will be your first major achievement in your pursuit of happiness. So again, ask yourself: How can I do what I do for more and more people with less work, but for a better price? If you cannot think of anything, keep thinking. Get Inspired Today.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: 20th Nov; 2015

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; while small minds discuss people." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt I really don't see the need to expand on this strong words of wisdom, it is as simple, as strong, as honest and as direct as it can be. The question then is directed to self... What do I find myself discussing often, IDEAS, EVENTS OR PEOPLE? You are in the best position to answer this and then know where you need to make adjustments. A lot is determined by the type of companions you associate with; they go a long way to directing your thoughts. Birds of a feather, often flock together. The food for thought here: What do you find yourself discussing often, IDEAS, EVENTS OR PEOPLE? ANSWER: Get Inspired Today.


Read the earlier posts on Courtship... COURTSHIP COURTSHIP (PART TWO) ................................................................................................... Am amanda, 21years old with two boyfriends. One made it clear, we won't get married while, the other one, complains that I don't have his time like other girls. What do I do? (Ans.) There is a different between courtship and friendship! FRIENDSHIP: Friendship is all about kindness, trusting. Caring, unselfishness, Charity, understanding, respect, freedom, appreciating, being precious, maturity, comforting, guidance, discipline, genuine, original, compassionate, expectations, taste & choice. Friendship is as precious as the one you might have. You may be seldom far from thoughts and the world will be a better place, because you are there. RELATIONSHIP: In a relationship base on assumptions of team work and equality, you feel responsible for the happiness and f...

Overcoming Obstacles – A Story About Making the Leap to Greatness

Two students were asked to meet their teacher at the start of a track through the forest. He gave them instructions to follow the path to its conclusion, in preparation for a test later in the week.  The path had two sides, one side was clear and smooth, the other side had fallen logs and other obstacles in the way. One student chose to avoid the obstacles, running around them and taking the easiest path to the end.  He felt clever as he dodged through without hindrance. The second student chose to tackle the obstacles, battling through every challenge in his path. The student who chose the easy path finished first and felt proud of himself.  “I’m glad that I chose to avoid the boulders and logs, they were only there to slow me down,” he thought to himself. The second student arrived at the finish feeling tired and regretting the path that he had chosen. The teacher nodded and smiled at them both.  He requested...


My friend Jerry was one of the most positive people I had ever known. He was always in a good mood and always had something encouraging to say. He was a manager at a restaurant. If his employee had a bad day, Jerry always helped him to look on the positive side of the situation. Jerry‘s attitude truly amazed me. So one day I asked him: „How can you be so positive all the time?“. He replied: „You see, every morning I tell myself, that I have two choices for that day – to be in a good mood or in a bad. I choose the good one. And when something wrong happens, I can be sad and angry or I can learn from it instead. I choose to learn. Thus I choose the positive side of life“. I said: „It is not that easy“. He replied: „Yes it is. Life is all about choices. You can choose how people or situation will affect your mood, your life“. One morning Jerry left the restaurant‘s back door open and was held up at gunpoint by three armed robbers. He tried to open the ...

QUOTE OF THE DAY: 18th of Nov. 2015

"In all things know that this too shall pass" ~ AdrianPastol Today these words may be more for myself or for someone else, but I do hope it helps you the way it helps me. When ever I am going through a challenge or pain of some kind, these words usually serve as a big source of strength. The truth is that no matter what you may be facing in life, even in the darkest moments of trials; remember this one thing and be strong, IT WILL PASS, FOR EVERYTHING PASSES. You may be grieving over the passing of a loved one, suffering some form of work pressure and financial stress, facing domestic challenges or just simply having a bad day; whatever the case the one thing I can promise you is that it won't last forever. IT MUST PASS. The only thing I recommend is that you do what you can to help it pass faster and have the situations change in your favor. STAY STRONG. Get Inspired Today.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: 14th of November, 2015

"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. "                  ~ Napoleon Hill One of  my favorite sayings has exactly the same meaning as the above quote and it goes thus: If you can think it, then you can be it. This is the foundation of every great invention, every historical achievement, and every great legacy. If you can think and believe it then you surely can achieve it. FACT... Now I am not saying it's going to be as easy as ABC, no! But you have at least laid the foundations for your success, once you think of achieving a height and you equally believe it to be possible then all you need is the drive (determination) to achieve your goal. What is your biggest dream in life? Do you believe you can achieve it? Now with that believe in your heart find the ways to achieve it and I assure you, you will. I am on the road to achieving mine,...

QUOTE OF THE DAY: 12th November, 2015.

"For many people, the tragedy isn't that life ends too soon; it's that they wait too long to begin it" ~ Unknown I am not really sure whose quote this is, but I remember coming across this line when I read John Maxwell's "Talent is never enough" and I remember I could relate completely. Now you may never really understand this until its too late but I pray we never get to that point. Do you also remember the quotes "Life begins at 40" or "A fool at forty is a fool forever." (Funny and ironic right?) Well I am not going to dwell on those today, and I want to keep this short and simple. Life is not really too short, you just have to live yours to the full, Jesus Christ died at age thirty-three and we all know his story, he started work really early. Is that too religious to connect to? fine, another example then... Micheal Jackson died at age fifty and I am sure we all know him, he also started really early. The...


TAKE TIME TO READ THIS Lets put your logic to the test : Professor: You are a Believer, aren’t you, son ? Student: Yes, sir. Professor: So, you believe in GOD ? Student: Absolutely, sir. Professor: Is GOD good ? Student: Sure. Professor: Is GOD all powerful ? Student: Yes. Professor: My brother died of cancer even though he prayed to GOD to heal him. Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But GOD didn’t. How is this GOD good then? Hmm? (Student was silent.) Professor: You can’t answer, can you ? Let’s start again, young fella. Is GOD good? Student: Yes. Professor: Is Satan good ? Student: No. Professor: Where does Satan come from ?


You should first read the part one on COURTSHIP Courtship is all about accepting your partner even though he/she has certain weakness. One's you are committed, you talk a lot more about each other, your plans for the future, your relatives, money, and lot more. For example:- discussing with each other about what school shall we choose for our children? Or name given when born? Should we ask our Cousin to stay with us? Should we buy a Car? When making decisions concerning yourselves, there maybe disagreement between the two of you. Don't allow the disagreement to stop your communication. Instead continue discussing the subject until an agreement is made. Jude and Jane early in their marriage, had a quarrel about his mother, and they made the mistake of stopping


After Secondary School.. . Some of our classmates have gone out of the country, some are now graduates, some have married, some have given birth.. . some are dead, (don't forget that too) some haven't even gained admission into the tertiary institution, but you know that feeling when you meet your classmate, and it seems like he/she has reached his dreams and you're not yet close to yours? Yea!

QUOTE OF THE DAY: 10th Nov. 2015

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward" ~ Martin Luther King Jr. I am sure a lot of us have heard this quote before as its quite popular but have we ever really taken the time to reflect on its meaning relating it to our lives? Run, walk, crawl, just make sure you keep moving. You see the message here is to not remain stagnant, one of my favorite catholic saints (St. Vincent de Paul) said "Advance or else slip back", in other words to remain stagnant is in itself a set-back. We are required by life to take action. No matter what your plans are in life unless you take action towards them you surely can't get anywhere. In the words of Normal Vincent Pearle: "Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. In-action is not only the result, but the cause of fear. Perhaps the action you take will be successful,...


"You don't overcome challenges by making them smaller, you overcome challenges by making yourself bigger" ~ John C. Maxwell I have many stories on my Site that analyzes this quote above: Small Frying Pan for a big God There is a Solution to Every Problem A Beautiful Way of Looking at Things You can read them up. When faced with challenges, often times we focus so much on trying to change the the problem, wishing for a way out without taking any action. Contrary to popular opinion, life does not get better by chance, life gets better by change, and this change always take place inside; it is the change of thought that creates the better life. Albert Einstein said: "We cannot solve a problem with the same kind of thinking we used when we created them" Let me give an example we all can relate with, when faced with a difficult exam, what steps do we take to pass it, Do we write the exam board asking them to make the que...


A simple tolerance of the other's beliefs or conceptions is not enough to establish a life-long partnership. Courtship requires time and reflection of one's life partner. It will be a great mistake to choose a partner and celebrate the wedding in a few days.  There are different stages in courtship,


"Imagination is more important than knowledge." ~ Albert Einstein Many scholars and professors may want to argue this at first but giving it an extra thought I am sure they will agree, not only are our imaginations more important than knowledge but they are also more powerful and so intruding that Albert Einstein (One of the smartest man that ever lived) had a lot to say about, he said: "Logic will get you from A to Z, but imagination will get you everywhere."   "The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination." "Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions" I can go on... The fact is man's ability to dream gave rise to the world in which we live today. Think about it, all the great things of life today like the radio, electricity, air-planes, Television etc. they are the product of man's imagination. John Scurry said "No matter what you dream, you can do it" Wher...

QUOTE OF THE DAY: 4th November, 2015

"Weak Men wait for opportunities, but strong men make them." ~ Anderson M. Baten Opportunity they say, comes but once in a life time: Fortunately I am one of the those who don't believe this and like Anderson I believe rather that opportunities come as many times as you can create them but most times we simply let something small cloud our judgement and we fail to see it as such. Its like the story of the "Elephant Rope" (Click to read) Like the Elephant in the story, many of us fail to see our strength and abilities to do great things probably because we had failed when we earlier tried them, we allow ourselves get tied down by a small rope that we can very easily break free from; telling ourselves constantly that we have lost our opportunity in life. (You need to kill this thought) Learn to imagine opportunities everywhere, look for ideas and trends that match your interests/skill set and twist those i...


"Every determined person sees an opportunity in virtually everything."   One of the most motivational stories on entrepreneurship is the one told about two shoe salesmen who traveled to a third world country in search of new business opportunities. One called his wife the moment he landed, telling her, "Honey, I'm coming back home. There's no hope here. Nobody here wears shoes, so there's no one selling to them." He boards the next flight home. The second man calls his wife and says, "Honey, you wouldn't believe what I found here, there is so much opportunity. No one here is wearing shoes, probably because nobody here sells, so I can sell to the whole country!" Many of us think like the first man because our vision and determination is limited. Ask yourself a very simple question, when confronted with a problem or challenge, which salesman are you? How determined are you to succeed?


"TRUTH: There is always an inner power that comes to the aid of any man who would resolutely determine to succeed." This may sound a bit too spiritual but it really isn't at all- There is always an inner power that comes to us when we decide and are determined to succeed. I once gave a lecture at a seminar on the 3D's we need to achieve our goals, and surprisingly more people than I expected agreed with me out of experience. The 3D's are: DECISION - DISCIPLINE - DETERMINATION Once we decide that we want to succeed at a particular goal, we need only apply discipline and determination to get it. Its like a driving force that comes from with-in pushing us relentlessly to focus and achieve our target. Absolutely decide what you want today and be determined to get it. You will be surprise where you will get the strength.


"The great trouble with many of us is that we do not believe enough in ourselves." Again I want to emphasis on the value and strength of our believes, especially in oneself. We under estimate our own capabilities even before making effort, an important fact we need to know is that 90% of the world's great inventors and names were able to achieve their dreams simply because of the strength and level of their believe. The truth is: If you don't believe eno ugh in yourself, you can't really get others to believe in you. Self-belief is vital for success, take a minute to look back at all the things you left undone because you lacked belief in yourself. ( But I am sure you attributed it to something else) "Nothing and nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent" ~Eleanor Roosevelt. When at a point of taking a great and life-changing action (decisions) self-doubts creep-in but instead of asking yourself the degrading ...


A nice short story on Determination. Once a big fat Frog and a lively little Frog were hopping along together when they had the misfortune of jumping into a pail of fresh milk. They swam for hours and hours hoping to get out somehow; but the sides of the pail were steep and slippery and death seemed to be certain.

The True story of Monty Roberts Story: DETERMINATION

I will tell you a story of my friend Monty Roberts. As he was a kid, his father as a horse trainer was moving from stable to stable, from ranch to ranch, training horses. Thus, the boy‘s school career was constantly interrupted. One day, when he was a senior, teacher asked him to write about what he wanted to be when he grew up. He did not hesitate a minute and wrote seven-page paper about his aim to be an owner of a horse ranch, he wrote many details and drew a location of buildings and stables and even a detailed house plan. Two days later he received his paper back with letter „F“ on the front page.