QUOTE OF THE DAY: 1st Feb. 2016

THE ESSENCE OF TIME: "It is impossible to save time so we must simply investing it wisely." Michael Altshuler, one of Americas famous motivational speakers woke up one morning and gave the world two very important and yet very constant news; a good one, and a bad one. The bad news is "TIME FLIES" while the good news is "YOU ARE THE PILOT" With the start of a new month it becomes important to remind ourselves of all our plans for the year and ask the very important question- ARE YOU STILL ON TRACK? This is a strong reminder for me. You see like the quote above says, we can't stop the moving time and we can't recover the lost one, so we must invest the time we now have wisely. I am sure our elders will have a lot to say about this. Good morning and a happy new month. REMEMBER TO SHARE THIS. #Time-is-of-the-essence #AdrianPastol #git9ja.com