Seizure is a health disorder that comes with a sudden episode of convulsive body movements, body rigidity or stiffness, rolling of the eyes, twitching of the facial muscles, foaming from the mouth and temporary loss of consciousness. All or just some of these symptoms may be present in one seizure attack and it lasts for about 5-10mins. After which the victim either gets up in a confessed and embarrassed situation for an adult case or may remain in a helpless state for a while depending on the severity and frequency of occurrence. 

Seizures are common features with epilepsy, febrile (feverish) conditions in infants, serious infections affecting the brain and other brain disorders, system poisoning from any
source and severe alcoholism. Unfortunately, every seizure occurring in an adult is labeled epilepsy and often times the victim is left to suffer during a seizure attack due to some erroneous beliefs that the condition can be passed on to another just by touching or contact with the foam from the mouth.
Agreed that the seizure attack can be very alarming, and not much can be done when the convulsion movement starts, it is still very important to guard and protect the victim from further danger and complications by helping to put any improvised pillow under the head and neck to prevent injury, loosen every tightness around the neck and waist, make sure there are no sharp object in the area where the victim is likely to roll around during the attack, keep crowd away to allow for free flow of air and cover up any nakedness. 

Even with infantile convulsions, do not try to force down any object or substance into the mouth during an attack nit could cause choking and more complications rather try to bring down the body temperature of the infant with cold sponging and make arrangements for medical intervention and intervention promptly.
With adult seizures especially in the case of epilepsy, most victims may quickly get up after and as mentioned earlier with a feeling of confusion and embarrassment, while some may fall into a deep sleep or into unconsciousness whatever the case, assistance should be given as much as possible to ensure safety and this include arrangement for medical intervention and investigations.

Please Note – Epilepsy is not infectious or contagious, it is not a result of a curse and neither is the epileptic victim a witch as believed in some quarters. Rather it is a health disorder like any other that requires assistance reassurances and medical management and it is curable of followed up as early as it is detected with the right medical investigations and applications. Always be ready to render a helping hand as much as possible to victims of seizures and be a life saver. God bless.

Original Write-up by Mrs. C.E. Akuwudike.


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