Child abuse can be defined as the physical maltreatment or sexual molestation of a child. I am going to keep this write up directed, all those parents that usually rely on house-helps or those that ship their children out to relatives and distance connections to help them in training. YOU MUST READ THIS, BUT FIRST SEE THIS VIDEO BEFORE WE CONTINUE.  

Child abuse is one one really bad situation here in Africa is gets very little attention, and to make matters worst even the parent of the children often willingly and willingly, directly but often times indirectly engage and encourage child abuse. 

The worst part is things like this can go on for years without you finding out, please parents especially mothers have to stand up and live up to their responsibilities. You can become aware that your child is being abused by recognizing the signs. below are some to help you 

  1. UNEXPLAINED INJURIES: visible signs of physical abuse may include marks on the child's body such as bruises, burns, weep(cain)-lines, cuts etc. This is usually followed with unconvincing explanations. 
  2.  FEAR OF GOING HOME OR AFRAID OF YOU LEAVING HOME: They are usually scared of going home or to places with the person who is abusing them. they make for themselves safe heavens in places like schools, churches etc.
  3. CHANGE IN SCHOOL PERFORMANCE: Abused persons usually start having problems concentrating and this leads to poor performance, sometimes it may even lead to been absent due to adults trying to hide the injuries of abuse.
  4. CHANGE IN BEHAVIOR: Abuse give raise to alot of behavioral consequences. The child may often appear scared, anxious, depressed, withdrawn or even more aggressive. 
  5. RETURNING TO EARLIER BEHAVIOR: This is a major sign, when you observe this, then you have to really take a closer look at your child's care.  The child starts showing behavior displayed at earlier stages of growth, such as thumb-sucking, bed-wetting, fear of the dark or strangers. for some children even loss of acquired language or memory loss.
  6. CHANGES IN SLEEP ROUTINE: Abused children may have frequent nightmares or troubles sleeping, and as a result the child appears tired or fatigued. 
  7. CHANGES IN EATING ROUTINE: The stress, fear and anxiety caused by the abuse may lead to changes in the child's eating behaviour and result in either a weight loss or weight gain. 
  8. RISK TAKING BEHAVIOR: Abused children may engage in high risk activities such as taking drugs, alcohol or carrying a weapon. 
  9. MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS:  such as having low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, or thoughts of suicide.
  10.  SLOWER-THAN-NORMAL DEVELOPMENT:  The child does not show the abilities and skills normally found in other children the same age, such as starting to talk or socialize with others. Some children regress, which means they slip backward, losing skills they had before. 
  11. LACK OF PERSONAL CARE OR HYGIENE:  They may start appearing uncared-for. They may always appear dirty with even severe body odor.
Some signs that a child is experiencing violence or abuse are more obvious than others. Trust your instincts. Suspected abuse is enough of a reason to contact the authorities.

What Can You Do About Child Abuse?

If you suspect a child has been abused….
  • Keep calm.
  • Tell the child you believe them.
  • Show interest and concern.
  • Reassure and support the child.
Take action – it could save a child’s life. Report child abuse to your local or state child protective service agency, or to your neighborhood police precinct.
Safe Horizon’s Child Advocacy Centers help more than 5,000 child victims of sexual and severe physical abuse each year. Learn more about our Child Advocacy Centers here.
Take the signs with you! Download the PDF
More guides:
Trauma: Helping Children Cope
Return to our Child Abuse page
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 Now some signs may be more obvious than others, you need to trust your instincts and if you suspect anything then take steps to confirm.

If you suspect that a child is been abuse you need to take action immediately, start by 
  • showing interest and concern
  • reassure and support the child (ie. give the child confidence)
  • talk to the child
  • if its a minor that may not b able to talk, find a way to monitor their activities.
  • take action, you could be saving a child's life. 

Unexplained injuries. Visible signs of physical abuse may include unexplained burns or bruises in the shape of objects. You may also hear unconvincing explanations of a child’s injuries. - See more at:
Unexplained injuries. Visible signs of physical abuse may include unexplained burns or bruises in the shape of objects. You may also hear unconvincing explanations of a child’s injuries. - See more at:


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